November Newsletter

* Reminder: NO SCHOOL Wednesday November 27, 28, 29. School resumes Monday December 2. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
* NO PASS program November 25-26.  Program resumes Monday December 2.
*  Our upcoming science inquiry unit will begin early December.  We will be researching and inquiring about
*  On Tuesday November 26, students who have met their goal of 80% or higher POSITIVE Class Dojo points, will participate in a special school assembly in the gym.
*  Our class has been reviewing how we can Respect Others, Respect Self, and Respect Environment at school.  We have written  personal PBIS goals about the school environment:
classroom, hallway,  playground, & lunchroom.  We recently discussed how using good manners has a positive effect on ourselves and others. 

                            Here we are displaying hallway expectations.

Kids Are Authors Award Celebration

On October 22, 2013 Mrs. Wandsneider's 2012-2013 students were honored at an all school assembly for winning the Scholastic Kids are Authors contest.  This award is given annually by Scholastic to the best student created book entered in their contest.  The assembly was attended by representatives from Scholastic, Mayor Dan Devine, school board members, Superintendent Kurt Wachholz and others.  Her class was presented with beautiful plaques to honor their achievement.  In addition, Longfellow School was presented with a giant check for $5,000 Scholastic Dollars!  This is the second time in three years that her class has won this prestigious national award.  They have also been honorable mention five times.  - Taken from Longfellow School Website Page
Click here to read Scholastic article

Click here to view more photos

Collaboration: Weather Inquiry

Dark Blue Swirly Cloud with Rain and LightningOur second and third grade team of 18 students have worked together to write up expectations during our collaboration work times.  Here are the expectations written by the students:
We used technology (iPads) about weather
maps of blizzards.

We found non-fiction map features in book resources.
We used each other as resources.

We used kind voices in our groups.

We stayed in our groups and everyone got a turn.

We shared supplies (especially when we learn something new!)