November Newsletter

* Reminder: NO SCHOOL Wednesday November 27, 28, 29. School resumes Monday December 2. Happy Thanksgiving!!!
* NO PASS program November 25-26.  Program resumes Monday December 2.
*  Our upcoming science inquiry unit will begin early December.  We will be researching and inquiring about
*  On Tuesday November 26, students who have met their goal of 80% or higher POSITIVE Class Dojo points, will participate in a special school assembly in the gym.
*  Our class has been reviewing how we can Respect Others, Respect Self, and Respect Environment at school.  We have written  personal PBIS goals about the school environment:
classroom, hallway,  playground, & lunchroom.  We recently discussed how using good manners has a positive effect on ourselves and others. 

                            Here we are displaying hallway expectations.

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