Newsletter September

* Congratulations to our first 2 PBIS classroom winners Mariah Gilbert and Taiquan Robinson.
These students are great models for showing how we RESPECT SELF, RESPECT OTHERS, and RESPECT ENVIROMENT.

* Thank you to the many families who signed up to receive Class Dojo Weekly Reports regarding their child's behaviors.  If you have any questions, please call or email me.

* Technology:  Our class has been utilizing our iPads with 2 new reading and math apps
called RazKids and DreamBox. 

Learning Target: To use the ipad as a tool to help with my learning.

* Classroom Curiosity:  We have started our classroom mini inquiry about Bats and Birds.

* On Friday September 27, we had a special APPLE presentation from the Herzing Nurses.
We also enjoyed eating a healthy apple snack during their nutritional presentation.

Technology Lesson with iPads!

 On Tuesday, we were very lucky to have
Mr. Scheiber (Longfellow School's Tech Integrator / GCT) join us in our class for a lesson on INTERNET SAFETY with our iPads!  Here is a look at our learning targets for the lesson:

Click here for a link to Mr. Scheiber's
Longfellow IMC Blog.

Scholastic Kids Are Authors Book Contest

The 2012-2013 Second Graders
Kids Are Authors Book Contest
Nonfiction Grand Prize Winners
Our award winning book, "White Tails and Other White Tales" has been recognized in a Scholastic article. Please click here to read the article.

Inquiry: Weather

Weather Inquiry
Learning Targets:   I can write and illustrate inquiry words about WEATHER.
                              I can collaborate with other students.  (respect others)
   We saw students sharing resources about avalanches.
We saw students following their learning targets.

We saw students talking and questioning with each other.

We saw students on task and staying with their group.

We saw students using kind voices and taking turns.

Welcome To Room 104!

Welcome To Room 104!
A Wonderful Bunch Of Second and Third Graders!
We have had a great start to the 2013-2014 school year.

Inquiry: Fruits and Vegetables

Literacy: Read To Someone and Read To Self
PBIS:  Respect Self, Respect Others, Respect Environment