Newsletter September

* Congratulations to our first 2 PBIS classroom winners Mariah Gilbert and Taiquan Robinson.
These students are great models for showing how we RESPECT SELF, RESPECT OTHERS, and RESPECT ENVIROMENT.

* Thank you to the many families who signed up to receive Class Dojo Weekly Reports regarding their child's behaviors.  If you have any questions, please call or email me.

* Technology:  Our class has been utilizing our iPads with 2 new reading and math apps
called RazKids and DreamBox. 

Learning Target: To use the ipad as a tool to help with my learning.

* Classroom Curiosity:  We have started our classroom mini inquiry about Bats and Birds.

* On Friday September 27, we had a special APPLE presentation from the Herzing Nurses.
We also enjoyed eating a healthy apple snack during their nutritional presentation.

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