May Newsletter

  • We thank our PTA for all their efforts to make a GREAT Teacher Appreciation Week. 
  • Progress Reports will come home on Friday, May 15.  This will only be for those families who did not communicate with their child's teacher via parent/teacher conferences (in person, by phone, by email). 
  • Friday, May 22 is Longfellow/Rec Center Field Day.  Every year, we hold Field Day at the field attached to the Recreation 4K Center.  Permission slips will come home this week - PLEASE RETURN BY FRIDAY, MAY 15 if you'd like your child to participate in Field Day. The rain date for this event is Friday, May 29. 
  • The last day of the PASS program is May 21st.  Please mark your calendars accordingly. 
  • Our Longfellow BOCS concert is Tuesday, May 19th at 2:00pm. 
  • The NEW District 2015-2016 calendar is now posted on the District website.  Paper copies were also sent home.  MAKE SURE YOU LOOK CLOSELY, as there are many changes to the previously released calendar.  If you have questions, please contact the main office. 

Make it a great day!

Jessica Moe

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