April Newsletter

Hello Parents/Guardians! This
is an electronic version of our annual school climate survey. All responses
remain anonymous once you "submit". There is a space at the end of the survey
for additional comments and concerns. Thanks for your time - we value your
honest feedback!

I've invited you to fill out the form Longfellow and Recreation 4K Center PARENT SURVEY 2015. To fill it out, please click on the link below:


Welcome back!  We hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break.

  • This week is Tornado Awareness Week.  Students at both Longfellow and the Recreation 4K Center will practice our procedures for severe weather.
  • Our next PTA meeting is Wednesday, April 15th at 5:30pm in Rm. 112.
  • PASS program resumes on Tuesday, April 14th.  Remember that the last day of the PASS program is Thursday, May 21st.
  • Our next parent/teacher conference date will be Thursday, April 30th from 4:30-8:00pm.  Conference selection forms will come with students on Friday, April 17th.  Please complete your selection and return to your child's teacher ASAP. We work as a staff to schedule conferences back/back for siblings. 
  • PTA will be sponsoring a Family Game Night on Monday, April 20th from 6-7:30pm at Longfellow.  We encourage all Longfellow and Recreation 4K Center families to attend.
  • Team Wisdom will be having their Spring Sing and Talent Show on Thursday, April 23rd at 2:00pm.  Only students from Team Wisdom and talent show participants will be performing.
  • We have many upcoming assessments as we near the end of the school year.  Students in grades 3-4-5 will be doing the Badger Exam (Smarter Balanced) in the weeks after we return from break.  Students in grades K4-3 will complete PALS testing.  Students in K5-5th will complete Spring MAPS testing.  Please look for specific dates/times to be communicated to you by your child's teachers. 
  • Please see the note above about completing our annual School Climate Survey.  You can access it in several ways:
    • click on the blue link above
    • cut/paste the link above into your browser
    • access the link from our Longfellow webpage
    • pick up a paper copy of the survey in the main office at Longfellow or the Recreation 4K Center

Make it a great week!

Jessica Moe, Principal

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