February Newletter

  • Our PTA Snowball Dance will be Friday, February 28th, 6-8pm in the Longfellow Gym.  Cost is $2 per family for PTA members and $5 per family for non-PTA members.  There will be dancing, photo booth, raffle baskets and snacks for purchase.  Hope to see you there!
  • SAVE THE DATE!  Longfellow Literacy Night will be Tuesday, March 4th from 5:30-7:30pm.  Please return the RSVP form if you plan on attending - this event is open to all Longfellow families.
  • SAVE THE DATE!  The WAWM "Three to Get Ready" event is open to all 3-year-olds living in West Allis/West Milwaukee.  The event will take place on Saturday, March 22nd at Irving Elementary School.  Parents can receive information on their child's development through several stations with district experts.  There is no cost - just contact the main office to make an appointment. 
  • Please make sure students are dressed appropriately for the weather.  We will go outside for recess if the temperature is above 10 degrees (with the wind chill).  Students are expected to go outside for recess unless they have a medical excuse.  Please send hats, gloves, boots, snow pants, and jacket (labeled with student name) every day.  If you need assistance obtaining these items for your child, please contact the main office.  We'd be glad to help you out - Thanks for your cooperation!
  • Our lost and found continues to be "overflowing".  If you are missing any items, please check!  Unclaimed items will be donated monthly.  
  • PASS Program - There will be NO PASS program the week of March 31-April 4.  Teachers will use that time to review data and determine 4th quarter PASS groups.  Parents will receive notification if their child is being dismissed or added to the program.  4th quarter PASS groups will begin on April 7th. 
  • Winter MAPS testing continues until February 28th.  Our students are doing a great job using the new web-based MAPS testing system.  Students in grades 2-5 took the test on their iPads this time - way to go!
  • MARK YOUR CALENDARS - our 2nd semester conference dates are April 3rd and May 12th.  
 Writing: Students in room 104 are analyzing their own writing and conferencing with me to come up with a personalized writing goal.

Digital Learning Day: Mr. Scheiber traveled to the
Pettit Ice Center and used Skype technology to communicate
to our 1,2,3 team about how Balance and Motion relates to
 the Olympics and Ice Skating.

February Newsletter

Pink and Red Valentine's Day Heart
    * Happy February! Students are welcome to bring Valentines for our class celebration on 2-13-14.  We will work hard at school to earn this special occasion. Please read the pink celebration sheet and sign up to donate a listed item. (sent home on Monday 2-3-14)
    * Feb. 5th is Positive Parent Partners Health and Fitness night. All are welcome. Please RSVP to Mrs. Wandsneider or Mrs. Cota for this event. 
   * Reminder: No school on Friday Feb. 14th
                               Mid Winter Break
   * Next PTA meeting on Wednesday Feb. 12th from 5:30 - 6:30.  Please try to attend at least one meeting for the 2nd semester of school.  Your support and ideas are needed!
     Prior to the PTA meeting from 5:00 - 5:30 will be a Next Generation Learning information meeting. This is an opportunity that parents should be aware of :-)
   * IMPORTANT: Winter MAPS testing session begins on Feb. 4th.  Your 2nd/3rd grader will be testing in the areas of language, math, and reading.

 * PBIS:  We had a chance to work with our Longfellow Peer Mediators and practice a "PEACE WALK".  This is a way for us to solve an issue or problem in a peaceful way.