February Newsletter

Pink and Red Valentine's Day Heart
    * Happy February! Students are welcome to bring Valentines for our class celebration on 2-13-14.  We will work hard at school to earn this special occasion. Please read the pink celebration sheet and sign up to donate a listed item. (sent home on Monday 2-3-14)
    * Feb. 5th is Positive Parent Partners Health and Fitness night. All are welcome. Please RSVP to Mrs. Wandsneider or Mrs. Cota for this event. 
   * Reminder: No school on Friday Feb. 14th
                               Mid Winter Break
   * Next PTA meeting on Wednesday Feb. 12th from 5:30 - 6:30.  Please try to attend at least one meeting for the 2nd semester of school.  Your support and ideas are needed!
     Prior to the PTA meeting from 5:00 - 5:30 will be a Next Generation Learning information meeting. This is an opportunity that parents should be aware of :-)
   * IMPORTANT: Winter MAPS testing session begins on Feb. 4th.  Your 2nd/3rd grader will be testing in the areas of language, math, and reading.

 * PBIS:  We had a chance to work with our Longfellow Peer Mediators and practice a "PEACE WALK".  This is a way for us to solve an issue or problem in a peaceful way.

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