Newsletter January

                                                                    January 3, 2013

Dates to Remember:
January 8 -  Positive Parent Night at Longfellow 5:30 - 7:00
                      (pizza served before group discussion)
Jan. 14 – No School - Staff development day
Jan. 21 – No School - Teacher Record Day
Jan. 22 – Winter MAPS testing window opens (Math, Reading, Language)
Jan. 23 – Conferences/Inquiry night
Jan. 25 - Report Cards Go Home
During our current inquiry unit, we have been working on the desert habitat and how different forms of life (plants & animals) survive in the desert.  In addition, we have intergrated this inquiry unit into our math centers.  Take a look below about how we are practicing measurement and graphing.

 We cannot wait to go PUBLIC about our new learning on the night of
 January 23, 2013.  Be on the lookout for our special invitation for all
 parents to attend!


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