Inquiry Night Open House!

Inquiry Night Open House
Look at us! We have been working hard in our collaborative groups questioning, researching, and investigating about the DESERT. 
   Gila Monster Group: Lorena, Olivia, & Mariah                                                                                Roadrunner Group: Frank, Ricardo, & Kaiya

On January 23, 2013 during the Longfellow Inquiry Open House, our class will GO PUBLIC about all of the plants and animals that survive and live in the desert. 
Please look for our special family invitations 
to this GREAT EVENT!

          Rattlesnake Group: James, Steve, & Brent                                                                                   Fox Group: Keith, Naydia, & Jaiden

                                                           Jackrabbit Group:  Hayden and Elana (not pictured)

                Horned Lizard Group: Kennedy, Ruby, and Sierra (not pictured)                   Elf Owl Group: Mrs. Wandsneider and Pedro                   

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