March Newsletter

  • Short week this week - Spring Break begins for students on Thursday, April 2nd.  Students are on spring break April 2-April 12th.  We will see all students back here on Monday, April 13th, 2015.
  • Report cards will come home with students on Wednesday, April 1.
  • There is NO PASS program on Tuesday, March 31 and Wednesday, April 1 due to the short week.  PASS will resume on Tuesday, April 14, 2015.
  • All Racing to Read forms are due to your child's teacher by WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st. 
  • The deadline for Intra-District transfer forms is Wednesday, April 1, 2015 by 4:00pm when the main office closes.  Late forms will not be accepted. 
  • The District is offering 4K Parent Outreach programs - Effective Strategies for Reading to Your child.  Childcare is available.  You must RSVP to Terri Meehan to reserve a spot at 414-604-3014. 
    • April 15, 6:00pm at Parkway 4K Center - 2930 S. Root River Parkway
    • May 13, 6:00pm at Franklin Elementary School Library - 2060 S. 86th Street
  • Save the Date!
    • Monday, April 20 - Family Game Night @ Longfellow- 6:00-7:30pm (RSVP form to PTA)
    • Thursday, April 23 - Team Wisdom Spring Sing and Talent Show - 2:00pm
    • Thursday, April 30 - 4th quarter parent/teacher conferences - look for sign up forms to come home on April 17th
    • Monday, May 4 - Family Fitness Night @ Longfellow - 6:00-7:30pm (look for RSVP form to come home soon)
  • Keep up with all the great things going on at Longfellow at the Rec Center.
    • District website:
      • Click on the District Facebook and Twitter in the upper left corner
      • Click on "Our Schools" to get to Longfellow Elementary and the Recreation 4K Center
      • School District newsletter - available under "District News" and sent home with each student
      • Make sure to check out the school calendar and Channel 13

Have a terrific Spring Break!

March Newsletter

-Family Literacy Night was a big success.  Thank you to all the teachers, parents, students, and volunteers for helping out!
- The PTA had a great bake sale, organized the Scholastic Book Fair, and provided the busy teachers with dinner for Literacy Night. Much appreciated.
- Mrs. Anderson and the FIRST STAGE children's theatre planned and organized a great production for us. What a special performance!
-Next week we only have 3 days of school. Spring Break starts Thursday April 2 - Sunday April 12.
See students back on school Monday April 13, 2015.
- Repost Cards go home next week.
- Students with 80% or higher positive DOJO points will participate in a whole school March incentive of movie and popcorn next week!! Things are looking good for most students!
What's new in Room 200?
We have just finished our inquiry unit on Magnets! We used technology as a tool to share our new learning.  We used Scribble Press app to make books on Magnets.  We were lucky enough to read our books to students in Mrs. Cota's class. 
(See pictures below)                                                                                                                                                                             Our next unit will be looking at plants and animal adaptations in various habitats.

An Irish Summary

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
 Today our literacy target was to read an article about Ireland and summarize the information. We took notes on the article and wrote a short summary in OUR OWN WORDS.  There are so many interesting facts about Ireland. While we worked, we enjoyed a typical Ireland snack of Irish soda bread and honey butter.  
Mrs. Wandsneider also treated us with
green milk.  (just food coloring :-)

Literacy Centers

Literacy Centers in First and Second Grade
Reading and working with a goal in mind.
Word work using technology and
other resources.
Reading comprehension target:
making inferences.

Group discussions about bullying
and making text to self connections.


March Newsletter

Hello Longfellow and Recreation 4K Center Families,
  • The period for INTRA-DISTRICT transfers runs March 2 (today) through April 1st.  
    • Parents wishing to send students to a school other than their home school must complete this process.  
    • Transfers are NOT guaranteed and decisions are made at the District level.  
    • Families who have completed the form before the deadline will be notified in May 2015 if their transfer request was approved.  IF APPROVED, parents are responsible for their own transportation. 
    • Intra-district transfer forms are available in the main office or can be printed online from the WAWM District webpage. 
    • Completed forms can be submitted to your child's school office or the district office between March 2 -April 1, 2015. 
  • Longfellow Family Tech Night is Wednesday, March 11 at 6:00pm-7:15pm.  Return the RSVP form if your family plans to attend.  Info sheets came home in folders last week.  Contact Vicki Cota or Michelle Hennings with questions. 
  • Our Longfellow Spring Sing - Teams Unity/Aspire/Character ONLY will be performing - will be Thursday, March 19th at 2:00pm.   
  • Students sent home invitations for Family Literacy Night!  It will be held on Tuesday, March 24 from 4:30-7:30pm.  We will be having a gallery walk, RIF book distribution, and Scholastic Book Fair!  The evening will also showcase a performance by the First Stage Children's Theater - all to support One Book, One School reading of The Hundred Penny Box. 
  • A reminder to parents - please do NOT block our crosswalks or pick up/drop off your students in the middle of the road.  This presents a safety risk to our students.
  • Spring Pictures will be on Tuesday, March 17th.  This is for PREPAID orders only and is optional for students and families. 
  • There is NO SCHOOL for students on Monday, March 9 due to Teacher Professional Development. 

Think Spring!

Yours truly,

Jessica Moe

Saint Patrick's Day Hat