January Newsletter

* Inquiry Unit -  We have started a new inquiry unit on MAGNETS. Our essential questions are:
How do magnets work on Earth? 
How do I use magnets in my life?
* One Book One School - Our class has started reading the book , "The Hundred Penny Box" as a whole group.  We have really enjoyed getting to know the characters and recording our questions, connections, and new learning about the book.
* PBIS - The January Dojo incentive was a special PJ and stuffed animal day for students who have displayed 80% or higher positive behavior at school respecting themselves, others, or the environment.  Our class (once again) had 100% of students eligible to participate!!!
WOW! Keep up the kindness!

January Newsletter

Hello Longfellow and Recreation 4K Center families!  We hope that all of you had a joyous holiday break!

  • NO SCHOOL for students on Monday, January 12 and Monday, January 19 due to teacher professional development. 
  • Quarter 2 ends on Friday, January 16.  Student report cards will be sent home on Friday, January 23. 
  • Parent/teacher conferences are coming up - they will be held on Tuesday, January 20 from 4:30-8:00pm at both Longfellow and the Recreation 4K Center. 
    • Parent time selection forms will come home with students this week - please select your time and return to your child's teacher as soon as possible. Your conference will be scheduled and then a confirmation form sent home. 
    • Scholastic Book Fair will take place outside the Longfellow IMC during conferences. 
  • There will be parent information meetings for INCOMING 4K students (students who will be starting 4K in Fall, 2015). 
    • January 27 - Horace Mann (6215 W. Lapham) - 6:00-7:00pm
    • January 28 - Parkway 4K Center (2930 S. Root River Pkwy)  - 6:00-7:00pm
  • Our January PTA meeting will be Wednesday, January 14 at 5:30pm.  All parents from both Longfellow and the Rec Center are invited and encouraged to attend. 
  • There will be a parent information night for 5th GRADE PARENTS regarding Human Growth and Development curriculum.  The meeting will be held at Irving Elementary on Wednesday, January 14 at 6:00pm.  
  • There will be NO PASS PROGRAM January 20-21-22.  Teachers will use this time to determine PASS groupings for 2nd semester.  You will be notified if your child is being dismissed or added to the program. 
  • Longfellow students will be participating in the Survive Alive (fire safety) program with the West Allis Fire Department and 5th grade students will participate in the THINK! (community choices and alcohol/drug prevention) program with the West Allis Police Department.  We thank them for their partnership. 

Stay Warm!

Jessica Moe, Principal