Newsletter January

January 18, 2013
- Here is just a peek at our GOING PUBLIC new learning about the Desert(yea we think it is pretty cool too)  
Please join us for our Longfellow Open House Inquiry Night on January 23 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm. 

- Longfellow's PTA is 80 YEARS OLD! In celebration, we will have a special spirit week Jan. 22-25.
 (no school Jan. 21) January 23 Longfellow Spirit T-Shirt Day             
                                    January 25 Crazy hair or hat day
- The PTA Council's annual Founder's Day Carnival will take place from noon-4:00 pm on Sunday February 10, 2013 at Central High School.  Join our district for games, food, and fun!
- Our next upcoming Inquiry unit will be on MAGNETS.
We are looking forward to many hands-on experiments to build our background knowledge.
- Coming up in MATH! 
 Our next goals in Math will be 
on Fractions, Money, and Addition and Regrouping.

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